Join Us on Zoom for OLC Annual Meeting on April 28 at 7pm

You’re invited to join us on Zoom!

It's been a tough year, and the Conservancy Preserves have been a rare bright spot for many of us.  We can't completely escape the pandemic, though, and gatherings are still limited, so your Board has decided to host the Annual Meeting virtually for the second year in a row.  Last year we used Survey Monkey to record your votes on our required business matters and to get your input on the Conservancy's direction.  This year, we're moving to Zoom!  
Not only will that allow us to have a - very brief! - business meeting, but we'll also be able to showcase many of the Conservancy achievements over the past year and - most excitingly! - give you a new and different video perspective on our Preserves, brought to you by the neighbors that care for and use our wonderful open spaces. 
Many of us have become used to the Zoom technology, so we are hoping that you know what to do with the information about logging in to the meeting, which is copied below.  A couple of pointers:
We plan to use the "Waiting Room" feature: when you log in to Zoom, you'll be asked to "wait for the host to start the meeting", and then our Host John Etherington, will start the meeting.  You can choose to join with or without your video.  Attendees will be muted at the outset.  We'll explain the process as we go, but there are two key features:

  • Voting will use a Zoom feature that allows you to say "Yes" (the check) or "No" (the X)

  • If you have questions or want to make a comment, you'll be able to write in the "Chat" function and ask for a response

Here is the meeting information.  We look forward to seeing you there!
Topic: Open Land Conservancy Annual Meeting
Time: April 28, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 2174 4665
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,86021744665# US (New York)
+13017158592,,86021744665# US (Washington DC)
Use your computer for sound or dial one of these numbers
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

zoom checkbox.jpg

For voting in Zoom, use the "Yes" (the check) or "No" (the X) at the bottom of your screen under Reactions