Tree Planting Volunteer Opportunity at Valley Creek Preserve
Please join us on October 7th at 9am in Valley Creek Preserve to plant the saplings that will restore a diverse native woodland. All welcome!
Dear Member:
It is time again for our annual update and I am pleased to report that - thanks to your generous support and a lot of hard work - Open Land Conservancy has enjoyed another successful year.
The last twelve months have indeed been momentous year for your land trust. Not only did the Preserves continue to provide a widely-used safe and healthy relief from pandemic stresses, also we achieved two major milestones and are planning another:
First, the national Land Trust Alliance granted us “Accredited” status, which means that we have been rigorously vetted and shown to have sound finances, ethical business practices, and responsible governance and provide lasting stewardship.
Second, we were the fortunate recipient of a land donation at the very upper reaches of the Valley Creek watershed, which will form our first new Preserve in two decades.
Finally, in an effort to better connect with our current constituents and broaden our appeal, we have refreshed our branding and will be expanding our communications efforts across the community.
We will explain much more about these developments and introduce you to our new logo in the upcoming editions of our Landmarks newsletter and in our annual meeting. That meeting will be held on April 20th, at 7pm, and once again we will use the Zoom platform. Although in-person meetings are resuming, we think it is wise to be cautious for one more year. We will conduct the usual brief business matters, introduce you to some of our newest volunteers and present a historical and ecological overview of the Valley Creek watershed – literally our life-blood!
We have provided the link for the meeting below and will also send it via email. You can ensure that we have your email address by completing the contact form on the website.
So many of you have supported the Conservancy year in and year out in our commitment to preserve, sustain, and enhance open space and wildlife habitat in our community. We hope you will continue that support, and if there is anything we can do to facilitate that, please let us know.
With our very best wishes.
Michael F. Wilson
OLC Vine Day Lorimer Preserve
OLC is continuing its series of winter "Vine Days" to continue the successful campaign against invasive vegetation. Our Preserves continue to provide a COVID "relief valve", and this is a great - and safe - way to help sustain our precious community resource.
We are again focusing on the George Lorimer Preserve particularly on the north-eastern section. (In addition, this year there will be a new initiative: a "Barberry Day", to dig up a proliferation of Japanese Barberry bushes in the Airdrie Forest Preserve. This invasive was just added to Pennsylvania's list of noxious weeds.)
Volunteers get out in the fresh air, help foster a diverse and attractive native eco-system and enjoy the companionship of like-minded neighbors.
All that's needed are protected clothing, gloves and, if possible, tools such as loppers, pruners and hand saws (and shovels for the Barberry) to supplement OLC's supply.
Mark Your Calendars!
Second Saturday of the Month
9am - 12 noon
April 9, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - Gatehouse - 1535 Le Boutillier Road
Map to Gatehouse at 1535 Le Bouillier Road - Click for Google Map
OLC Vine Day Airdrie Forest Preserve
OLC is continuing its series of winter "Vine Days" to continue the successful campaign against invasive vegetation. Our Preserves continue to provide a COVID "relief valve", and this is a great - and safe - way to help sustain our precious community resource.
We are again focusing on the George Lorimer Preserve particularly on the north-eastern section. (In addition, this year there will be a new initiative: a "Barberry Day", to dig up a proliferation of Japanese Barberry bushes in the Airdrie Forest Preserve. This invasive was just added to Pennsylvania's list of noxious weeds.)
Volunteers get out in the fresh air, help foster a diverse and attractive native eco-system and enjoy the companionship of like-minded neighbors.
All that's needed are protected clothing, gloves and, if possible, tools such as loppers, pruners and hand saws (and shovels for the Barberry) to supplement OLC's supply.
Mark Your Calendars!
Second Saturday of the Month
9am - 12 noon
March 12, 2022
Airdrie Forest Preserve - Hawthorne Place & N Valley Road
April 9, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - Gatehouse - 1535 Le Boutillier Road
Map to Gatehouse at 1535 Le Bouillier Road - Click for Google Map
OLC Vine Day Lorimer Preserve
OLC is continuing its series of winter "Vine Days" to continue the successful campaign against invasive vegetation. Our Preserves continue to provide a COVID "relief valve", and this is a great - and safe - way to help sustain our precious community resource.
We are again focusing on the George Lorimer Preserve particularly on the north-eastern section. (In addition, this year there will be a new initiative: a "Barberry Day", to dig up a proliferation of Japanese Barberry bushes in the Airdrie Forest Preserve. This invasive was just added to Pennsylvania's list of noxious weeds.)
Volunteers get out in the fresh air, help foster a diverse and attractive native eco-system and enjoy the companionship of like-minded neighbors.
All that's needed are protected clothing, gloves and, if possible, tools such as loppers, pruners and hand saws (and shovels for the Barberry) to supplement OLC's supply.
Mark Your Calendars!
Second Saturday of the Month
9am - 12 noon
February 12, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - N Valley Road Parking Lot
March 12, 2022
Airdrie Forest Preserve - Hawthorne Place & N Valley Road
April 9, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - Gatehouse - 1535 Le Boutillier Road
Map to Gatehouse at 1535 Le Bouillier Road - Click for Google Map
2022 Vine Days- Jan 8 at Lorimer
OLC is continuing its series of winter "Vine Days" to continue the successful campaign against invasive vegetation. Our Preserves continue to provide a COVID "relief valve", and this is a great - and safe - way to help sustain our precious community resource.
We are again focusing on the George Lorimer Preserve particularly on the north-eastern section. (In addition, this year there will be a new initiative: a "Barberry Day", to dig up a proliferation of Japanese Barberry bushes in the Airdrie Forest Preserve. This invasive was just added to Pennsylvania's list of noxious weeds.)
Volunteers get out in the fresh air, help foster a diverse and attractive native eco-system and enjoy the companionship of like-minded neighbors.
All that's needed are protected clothing, gloves and, if possible, tools such as loppers, pruners and hand saws (and shovels for the Barberry) to supplement OLC's supply.
Mark Your Calendars!
Second Saturday of the Month
9am - 12 noon
January 8, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - Gatehouse - 1535 Le Boutillier Road
February 12, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - N Valley Road Parking Lot
March 12, 2022
Airdrie Forest Preserve - Hawthorne Place & N Valley Road
April 9, 2022
George Lorimer Preserve - Gatehouse - 1535 Le Boutillier Road
Map to Gatehouse at 1535 Le Bouillier Road - Click for Google Map

Vine Days 2021 - Volunteers Needed
After a short Holiday and COVID hiatus, OLC will be resuming its series of winter “Vine Days” to continue the successful campaign against invasive vegetation. Our Preserves have provided a wonderful sanctuary for the past year, and this is a great - and safe - way to help sustain our precious community resource.
This year, the objective is to undertake a focused blitz in the George Lorimer Preserve to build on the successful removal and tree planting efforts along the eastern and western borders. At the same time, there will be an opportunity to perform any needed tube and cage maintenance on the new plantings.
Volunteers get out in the fresh air, help foster a diverse and attractive native eco-system and enjoy the companionship of like-minded neighbors.
All that’s needed are protective clothing, gloves and, if you have them, tools such as loppers, pruners and hand saws to supplement OLC’s supply.
And of course, we will follow all government COVID advisories. In particular – wear your mask and maintain a six foot distance! Please check out our Safety Guidelines and Vine Cutting Instructions.
Mark your calendars!
2nd Saturday of the month
9am to 12 noon
Date Preserve Meeting Place
February 13th, 2021 George Lorimer N Valley Road Parking Lot
March 13th, 2021 George Lorimer N Valley Road Parking Lot
April 10th, 2021 George Lorimer OLC HQ, Le Boutillier Road
Open Land Conservancy nature preserves and their miles of beautiful trails remain OPEN! More families are taking advantage of being outside, enjoying a walk in nature, some fresh air, and a break from the relentless news. We all know that being outside in nature can reduce your stress and fear, and the exercise can boost your immune system.
We encourage you to come visit our nature preserves. Check out our web site for directions and trail maps. https://www.openlandconservancy.org
Thank you for your support of Open Land Conservancy in our mission to save open space, care for nature and connect people to the outdoors. We are an all-volunteer organization and depend on your support to keep our trails open.
Volunteers Needed for Open Land Conservancy Tree Planting Events in October
This summer's wild weather has been really hard on the Open Land Conservancy woodlands. Many magnificent mature trees were toppled in the June "derecho" and in other storms throughout the season. Renewing and diversifying the woodland has always been an important objective, and - thanks to help from many of you - the results are showing in many of the Preserves. But now, though, restoring the tree canopy has become even more important, and we are planning planting events throughout the Preserves at the end of October. Once more, we would like to ask for your help, and there are two important ways to do that.
First, we are hoping that you may be able to help out with the planting itself. We have ordered from Octoraro Nursery about 400 native trees, mostly the saplings used in the past, and we need your help to get them in the ground. We have scheduled delivery in time for planting events on Saturday 17th and Saturday 24th of October. We expect the greatest need will be on the 17th, when we'll be planting in Cedar Hollow, Cool Valley, Valley Creek and Lorimer Preserves. The 24th will be focused on Airdrie Forest Preserve where a team from the Upper Main Line Rotary Club is already engaged, but more help there would also be great. This is an especially exciting site as many of the trees will be planted inside an "exclosure" being built by an Eagle Scout team from Paoli 1 on the site of the old scout cabin.
Second, we would like to ask for a contribution to help with the cost of the trees and deer protection. We are doing everything possible to keep down costs (reusing protective tubes, using donated fence material) and to find grant sources (a grant from PECO's Green Region Open Space program kickstarted the Airdrie project, and we have applied for another matching grant). However, there will still be a gap to make up, and anything you can contribute will be put right into the ground! $20 buys five container seedlings, two shrubs or understory trees in two gallon containers or 15 stakes to hold tubes or fences. https://www.openlandconservancy.org/donate
This is a quite complex project with multiple sites, so it would be really helpful to know if you can participate in one or both of the planting events. Also, the plants will be delivered a day or two in advance, so it would also be great to know if you are available to help with staging the plants and protection materials at the final locations on the prior Thursdays and Fridays. Please can you let us know in short email to the Conservancy email address: openlandconservancy80@gmail.com . We will send out details closer to the events, so you will be able to participate if your schedule opens up later.
With great appreciation to all of you who share a love for our precious open space
Vine Day Cancelled due to COVID-19
In light of the government mandates to limit gatherings and practice social distancing, OLC has cancelled the final Vine Day at George Lorimer Preserve that was scheduled for Saturday, April 11.
OLC encourages volunteers to continue to help with vine cutting on your own schedule with friends and family. We encourage you to follow best practices to protect yourself and others. Before doing any vine cutting or other volunteer work, please check out our Safety Guidelines and Vine Cutting Instructions.
Open Land Conservancy nature preserves and their miles of beautiful trails remain OPEN! More families are taking advantage of being outside, enjoying a walk in nature, some fresh air, and a break from the relentless news. We all know that being outside in nature can reduce your stress and fear, and the exercise can boost your immune system.
We encourage you to come visit our nature preserves. Check out our web site for directions and trail maps. https://www.openlandconservancy.org
Also, please check out the CDC web site for updated guidance about COVID-19 to govern your own decision making. We certainly encourage all to follow these guidelines to protect yourself and others:
Practice social distancing in the great outdoors - don't gather in large groups and keep at least six feet from one another
Keep your dogs on a leash and away from others at all times, and pick up after your dog
Wash your hands with soap and water before and after visiting an OLC nature preserve
Take hand sanitizer with you and use it if you touch another person or a brochure holder
Avoid touching your face, eyes and nose
Please stay home if you are sick or showing symptoms of illness or if you are in a high-risk category with a medical condition
We recognize that this situation is evolving and we will abide by the guidance that we receive from state and local public health officials. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue enjoying nature in this challenging time. Fresh air, sunshine and outdoor activity are as important now as ever.
Thank you for your support of Open Land Conservancy in our mission to save open space, care for nature and connect people to the outdoors. We are gratified by the number of local residents who have recently joined OLC as members and made $80 donations in celebration of our 80th birthday. We are an all-volunteer organization and depend on your support to keep our trails open.
OLC 2020 Birding Blitz Series - September Event Cancelled due to COVID-19
Please Note: the September event has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
OLC is teaming up with Bird Guide Mike Coulter to offer a series of 4 birding events at our five Great Valley Preserves. Over the course of 2020 we will be censusing the birds at Lorimer, Valley Creek, Cool Valley, Miller and Cedar Hollow preserves in order to gain a better understanding of the overall avian diversity and abundance within the Valley Creek watershed. This citizen science project will provide critical wildlife data OLC can use to quantify the diversity and health of our preserves and identify restoration opportunities.
No experience necessary, all levels of birders welcome. We will record our observations at each preserve using the eBird app. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Photo credit to Rick Bunting, Photographer & Birder
Time: All walks 7:30 AM - Noon
Location: Meet at Lorimer Preserve Parking Lot Parking limited, carpooling encouraged.
Walk Dates:
1. February 29th
2. May 10th - Cancelled
3. June 13, 2020 - Cancelled
4. September 12th - Cancelled
Walk Sites in order":
1. Lorimer Preserve
2. Valley Creek Preserve
3. Cool Valley Preserve
4. Cedar Hollow Preserve
5. Miller Preserve