Sarah Monroe is a neighbor to, and frequent hiker in, Valley Creek Preserve. She brings her Canon EOS Rebel T7 camera and its 300 mm lens along, and we’re happy to share some spectacular shots from her visits over the past months. We encourage you to visit and check out the Preserve wildlife for yourselves!
The creek and its wetlands are home to a wide variety of aquatic species. Sarah was examined by a seemingly curious American mink,
and she also spotted what looks like a muskrat creating some beautiful golden ripples.
In the past we’ve shared trail cam photos of a beaver, and the trees and shrubs recently felled with the characteristic teeth marks suggest that it, or maybe a relative, is still around, but it has not put on a recent show.
Sarah has been spotting many juvenile eagles passing through the Preserve, and captured this suitably imperious bald eagle.
And finally, at ground level, her camera got up close and personal with a grumpy male Eastern box turtle.