Please Note: the September event has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
OLC is teaming up with Bird Guide Mike Coulter to offer a series of 4 birding events at our five Great Valley Preserves. Over the course of 2020 we will be censusing the birds at Lorimer, Valley Creek, Cool Valley, Miller and Cedar Hollow preserves in order to gain a better understanding of the overall avian diversity and abundance within the Valley Creek watershed. This citizen science project will provide critical wildlife data OLC can use to quantify the diversity and health of our preserves and identify restoration opportunities.
No experience necessary, all levels of birders welcome. We will record our observations at each preserve using the eBird app. Bring binoculars if you have them.
Photo credit to Rick Bunting, Photographer & Birder
Time: All walks 7:30 AM - Noon
Location: Meet at Lorimer Preserve Parking Lot Parking limited, carpooling encouraged.
Walk Dates:
1. February 29th
2. May 10th - Cancelled
3. June 13, 2020 - Cancelled
4. September 12th - Cancelled
Walk Sites in order":
1. Lorimer Preserve
2. Valley Creek Preserve
3. Cool Valley Preserve
4. Cedar Hollow Preserve
5. Miller Preserve